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    Circulate to provide assistance with vocabulary as required. * Note: This activity may require some scaffolding of skills such as practice reading similar
    1. Use Clear and Precise Language · 2. Repeat Your Directions · 3. Explain the Purpose of the Task · 4. Make Sure Your Students Understand · 5. Use an Appropriate
    Education World provides five intriguing lessons to help your students read, write, follow, and even evaluate directions. Included: Lessons that make followingEnglish Writing Lesson 2: How to Give Instructions in English · How to make a cup of coffee? · How to search for a topic on Google? · How to make a call on your
    Write on a piece of paper: Give directions to draw a smiling face. Show the paper to the person giving directions so the one drawing will not have any clues
    Our Writing Instructions lesson plan teaches students the basics of being able to give clear instructions. Academic and workplace communication depends on
    In this lesson, students walk through the process of creating technical instructions by first analyzing existing instructions. They then select an item and an

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